Where should Fallout 5 be set?


    Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, and it's definitely a bummer to hear that Fallout 5 won't be releasing for a very long time. One of the things that makes Fallout games great is the setting. The post-apocalyptic, 1950's era setting is just really cool. The location was one of the main selling points for New Vegas. Fallout 4 has a huge map, and it's really cool to explore Washington D.C in Fallout 3. Even Fallout 76 has a cool and unique setting with Appalachia. There are a lot of choices on where they could go next in Fallout 5 but here are my picks. 

New Orleans, Louisiana 

    New Orleans is a city filled with culture and spirit, but what happens to that after the bombs drop? I'd like to think that New Orleans keeps those things post-war and tries to rebuild. There's not a lot of games set in this city, so there's a lot of untapped potential for Fallout here. You could explore the city filled with rich and poor people alike. You could explore the river, and there could even be a quest that brings in some voodoo elements. There is also the swamps surrounding the city and I'm imagining mutated alligators and frogs. 

New York City, New York

    New York City could possibly be the biggest city in the fallout games, over twice the size of New Vegas. There's Liberty Island, of course they could make a quest where Lady Liberty is a robot like Liberty Prime. There's Time Square, Broadway, the Empire State Building, all these things could be explored in the game. It would really be interesting to see how the nuclear fallout affected the city, especially 1950s New York City. Also, outside of the city could be explorable, there is a lot of beautiful countryside, they could even include Niagra Falls and parts of Canada. 

Orlando, Florida

    Florida would be unlike any other locations in the Fallout games so far. It would be focused on beaches, theme parks, and crazy Florida people. Mutated Alligators, sharks, turtles, and panthers would be running rampant. I really just think that this would be the most fun option for a Fallout game if they wanted to set it on a coastal area. 

Kansas City, Missouri

    The Fallout games have always been about exploring post-apocalyptic America, what better place to go next then the middle of the united states. The open fields of Kansas and the hilly plains of Missouri could make for fun places to explore. If you're bored of rural America, there are of course cities like Kansas City and Branson. Kansas City has appeared Fallout Tactics, it was a base for an army of super mutants as well as a settlement of ghouls that worshipped a bomb. Setting the game there is a chance to explore what became of the city after the super mutants were eradicated. Mutated coyotes, bears, snakes, and other wildlife would be in abundance and there is a lot of opportunity for farms and settlements. 

London, England

    Fallout games have always been set in America and that is a big part of their charm but this could be a nice change of pace for the fallout games. There are a lot of steampunk games set in London but hardly any post-apocalyptic games. It would be a totally different world to explore, with the heavily populated city of London and the quant villages that surround it. There are also other interesting options in Europe like France, Germany, or Italy. Wherever Fallout goes next, I just hope it's worth the wait.
