It's Time to Talk About the Third Season of Locke and Key

Spoiler Alert!
    The newest season of Locke and Key came out on August 10th of this year, and I watched all of it with my sister last week. I definitely have some thoughts about it and decided that I would share them on my blog. I wanna start by setting the scene with the first two seasons, which were very good in my opinion. The first two season were action packed and full of interesting relationships. Every episode left off with cliffhangers that had you wanting more. The villain was delightfully entertaining whether in Dodge's form or Gabe's. Also, most of the new keys were really cool.
    The third season was just not like that at all. Don't get me wrong, there were some enjoyable moments but overall, it just felt very...rushed. The new season clocks in at only 8 episodes, some of them only 30 minutes; while the other seasons were 10 episodes and ran 40 minutes or more. The third season is thankfully their last and manages to end the series with a resounding meh. 
    I gotta say that one of my favorite parts was Doge saying that Bode's voice is just "so damn obnoxious." Because I was thinking that throughout this whole season and during the time travel scene I was literally yelling at the screen like "Were you dropped as a baby!" I mean, that's harsh, but we do see that it' s always Bode making the same mistakes over and over again, causing trouble for everyone else around him.
   Honestly, I thought it was really fun to watch Bode being possessed by Dodge. It was very out of character for the actor and while sometimes it was laughable, there was a couple times that he was pretty creepy. 
    I do have some other minor complaints about the main characters this season though. First of all why is Kenzi singing so much? I mean she's a good singer, it's just kind of awkward especially at the cliff. It was also frustrating to see Tyler flip flop between remembering and not remembering but I guess that wasn't such a bad thing.
     One pro I do have for the season is that Nina kind of came into her own more. I found myself feeling happy for her now that she knows about magic and isn't confused ALL the time. Her story about her struggle with alcohol gave the show a chance to slow the pace a little bit which was nice. I mean, it was weird that she was the one defeating pretty much all the bad guys in this season, and all the same way (by pushing them into something).  
    The villain this season was somewhat charming, albeit in a very corny way. His scene in the car with Ellie was actually hilarious but the fact that he was gonna end the world by smushing a bunch of keys together instead of actually using them was kind of boring. Also, it would've been cool to see more fight scenes. The anticlimactic final battle was really only a chase scene and then Nina pushing him into a hole. 
    The new characters Gideon and Carly were completely flat and basically only used as plot devices to move the story along. Yeah, we were supposed to care about them and supposed to be crying when Gideon died but it just didn't hit for me. Carly came off as a creepy stalker and Gideon's story was crammed into an episode and a half and we were still somehow expected to care about what happens to him. 
    The new keys in this season were also a let down, the only really cool one was the creation key and it was only in the last episode, so that was really a bummer. Plus, they hardly got to use the keys because Gideon had them most of the season (thanks Bode)
    The anticlimactic final battle ends with the Lockes deciding to throw the keys into the hell hole and destroy them. Bode whines about it and the family decides to use the keys one more time to go back in time to visit their dad. That's where they learn that the magic was never in the keys, but the real magic was family all along. Barf. Anyways, not to say that I wasn't happy that they got closure with their dad, it just seemed extremely corny to me. 
    So that's my very harsh opinion. If you've seen the new season let me know what you thought in the comments. If you haven't seen Locke and Key then why are you reading this? Go watch it! Maybe if we close our eyes real tight, we can pretend like we live in a world where the third season never happened, and that Netflix took their time and released a good third season instead. 
