5 Best and 5 Worst Marvel Superheroes to Share an Apartment With

Your home should be somewhere that you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed, when you add another person into the mix then it's always a gamble as to whether or not they're going to be a good roommate or a bad one. A good roommate keeps things clean, is respectful of your things, and is nice and helpful. A bad roommate is a slob, a jerk, and has no respect for you or your things. Of course, those things can vary from person to person and it's not always so black and white, but you probably don't wanna chance getting a bad roommate. Unfortunately, you're probably too broke to get your own place and when you're looking for a roommate in the marvel universe, here's your guide on the best and worst options out there. 

Best-Iron Man

Tony Stark would probably be a little bit messy, but he would definitely be a great person to have around. He could build all kinds of contraptions for your room and make your life so much easier. You'd also be rooming with a celebrity, which is something you could brag about. He'd be hosting killer parties and he would have Jarvis clean everything up. If you're lucky, he might even let you take one of his suits for a spin.


Bruce Banner might be a good roommate but his alter ego, The Hulk, would be unbearable to live with. He would be smashing everything, if he lost to you in super smash bros then he would hulk out and destroy your TV. You could forget about having extra snacks because Hulk would eat everything in your fridge. Anger issues is definitely a roommate red flag, and even though Hulk is green that doesn't mean he isn't a walking red flag. 


Peter Parker is your average teenager, he might be a little messy or moody but overall, he would make a great roommate. He'd especially be a great college roommate, he's a smart guy and could help you with your homework, he's also your friendly neighborhood spiderman so he'd be easy to get along with. Spiderman could be your best buddy, as long as he doesn't leave his webbing all over the apartment, that crosses a line. 


While it would be cool to have a walking alexa around, Vision would not be a good roommate. First of all, he has no sense of boundaries, and he would just phase through the wall instead of knocking on the door. Also, Vision doesn't know very much about human customs so he would be kind of a buzzkill when you had people over and he'd probably ask you more questions than you'd ask him. He also doesn't sleep so he'd probably always be waking you up in the middle of the night. The only good thing is that he doesn't eat so more food for you.

Best-Doctor Strange

Sure, Stephen Strange is kind of an egotistical jerk but he could help you with his magic in the same way Ironman could help you with his tech. His magic spells and items could come in handy in a variety of ways like: refilling your drink, opening a portal so that you aren't late for work, and even make your crush forget that one embarrassing thing that you did, just make sure not to interrupt the spell. Doctor Strange could solve just about any problem with his magic which makes him one of the coolest possible roommates you could get 


Beast is a genius and he's very nice, but he'd be one of those "Um, actually" types that is always correcting you and always making references from old literature that you probably wouldn't get. He would be doing lots of chemistry experiments in your apartment which could make a mess or even simply blow up. And does he shed??? I mean, that's a lot of hair and that would definitely be a problem. If you ever end up with Beast as a roommate, make sure to buy a lent roller as well. 

Best-Black Widow

One of the best qualities in a roommate is minding their own business and Black Widow is great at doing that. She's also great at keeping secrets and she does like to play matchmaker and could try to set you up with someone like she tried to do with Steve. Black Widow would just be a very unproblematic roommate. Her sister Yelena could be a good roommate also, she'd be really fun, and she could make you mac and cheese. 

Worst-Captain America

You didn't move out of your parents' house just to move in with your grandpa. Captain America is awesome, and Steve Rogers is a nice guy, but he would not make a good roommate. He would always be on your case like your parents, and he would always be asking you to help him work his phone or computer. He wouldn't know very much about technology at all and would probably end up breaking something. Maybe it would be cool at first but rooming with Steve Rogers would get old real quick. 


Some people don't know this, but Big Hero 6 is actually a Marvel property. Baymax is the helpful, cuddly medical robot from the movie, and he would make a great roommate. Baymax would be helpful, and he'd always be looking out for you and if he had his armor as well then, he would be able to fly you around the city. Baymax would just be easy to get along with and easy to deal with, making him the perfect roommate. 


The god of thunder has a good heart and even though he's been on earth a lot, he's not really accustomed to everyting. For one thing he'd be paying for everything in some weird Asgardian currency, he also wouldn't know anything about technology, if he's anything like MCU Thor than he's also kind of an idiot. He did room with someone in the MCU, and it was definitely rough for his poor roommate, Darryl. Thor is a great hero but his ego and his ignorance would make him a difficult person to live with. "Thor you set your hammer on the toilet seat again, THOR!" 
