10 TV Show Characters That You Could Bring Home to Your Parents

 Everyone knows, whether you've been in a relationship or not, that bringing your new significant other to meet your parents can be one of the most intimidating things that happens in your life. However, depending on the type of person you're dating it can go really smoothly or it can be a complete disaster. Characters on shows like Lucifer might be hot, but your mom might raise an eyebrow if you bring Satan home for dinner. So, here are ten characters from TV shows that are guaranteed to impress ma and pa, and look good doing it. If there's a character that you think deserves to be on this list but didn't make it, then make sure and comment your pick.

Leslie Knope-Parks and Recreation

Leslie might be one of the most motivated TV show characters out there. She's also hard working, loyal, and fun. Leslie Knope always tries to do the right thing and that's part of what makes her such an endearing character. She also knows how to be diplomatic and if there happens to be any tension in your house, she'll know just what to do. Overall, Leslie's drive might get her into some unideal situations with her colleagues, but chances are that it's exactly what your parents are hoping for when you bring home you're new girlfriend. 

Burton Guster-Psych

Gus is charming, respectful, and hilarious. His best friend, Shawn Spencer, could be a contender; but Shawn is just way too prone to mischief. Gus will open the door for you, push in your chair, and kiss your mom's hand when he introduces himself. Your parents would be thoroughly impressed with Gus for having a good job and probably with how cautious and clean he is as well.

Tahani Al Jamil-The Good Place

Tahani probably seems stuck up at first, because she is, but she's also kind, smart, and classy. Tahani has spent her whole life trying to impress people and meeting your parents would be the perfect way to test her skills. Tahani could keep them entertained for hours with all her stories, name dropping a celebrity every few minutes. She knows everything about parties and would be the perfect date for a wedding or a family member's birthday party. How could a girl be so pretty yet so well-mannered and charming at the same time? Your parents would be blown away. 

Steve Harington-Stranger Things

Sure, the old Steve was a douche bag, but the new and improved Steve is ready to commit. Yeah, he'd be absolutely terrified of meeting your parents, but he'd do a great job. He'd treat everyone with respect and compliment your mom on her cooking. Steve and your mom could even bond over their shared experiences taking care of kids. Even if his intelligence doesn't impress them, his charm, his manners, and his hair certainly will.

Annie Edison-Community

If they heard of Annie's past problems with addiction, they might be a little bit worried but they'd only have to spend a few minutes with her to realize how sweet she is. Annie is extremely smart and driven and at the end of the series she ended up joining the FBI. She's very sweet and innocent and your parents couldn't help but love her. Annie's generally a pretty good person unlike some of the other characters in the show, her heart would quickly win over your parents and anybody else.

Luther Hargreeves-Umbrella Academy

Luther is what you would call a gentle giant, he might be imposing at first but once your parents start talking to him, their worries will surely fade away. Luther would give your dad a handshake and your dad would say, "that's a firm grip ya got there, son." when his hand stops throbbing, he might grab the remote and turn on the game for them to watch together. Luther would be helpful, well mannered, and respectful. Plus, his dance skills would make him a great plus one to your cousin's wedding. 

Jessica Day-New Girl

Jess is quirky and fun, your parents might not understand her, but they'll appreciate the kindness and respect that she shows both you and them. Jess might have a mental breakdown out of nervousness before she meets them, but she would somehow pull it together and be a lovely guest. Jess can be very mature when she wants to, and she would be able to engage in deep conversation, but she could also show her silly side and make your parents laugh all evening long. 

Chandler Bing-Friends

Chandler has bad luck with relationships in the early days of the show and never seems to get it right but when he finally finds his person, he settles down and is a loving and loyal partner. Chandler is hilarious and if he had dinner with your parents, they would be busting a gut. Chandler would make sure that everyone is having a good time and keep the conversation light. While he wouldn't have Joey's signature "How you doin?" he would still be the best choice from the Friends series.

Amy Santiago-Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Amy would have a binder describing exactly everything that needed to happen when she first meets your folks and while everything might not go according to plan, she would still manage to impress them. She's smart, organized, and well mannered. Remember when I said that Leslie might be one of the most motivated TV show characters out there? Well, Amy Santiago gives her a run for her money. She's used to putting up with Jake's antics and she has seven brothers of her own so you could take her to a big family dinner and there's nothing that your siblings or cousins could do that would phase her.

Jim Halpert-The Office

Surely you didn't think that I would finish this list without putting a character from The Office on it, Jim Halpert is definitely most worthy of this honor. Jim and Pam are one of the most famous TV couples and that is mostly because of just how good Jim treats her. Jim would do anything for the people that he loves, he's funny and he's well mannered. He would love to watch a sports game with your dad and your mom would be absolutely charmed by him. Ladies, if you're boyfriends aren't treating you like Jim would, dump them, your parents will be glad you did. 
